Facial Coverings Update
– Updated: March 3rd, 2022 –
Facial Coverings Are Still Required in Health Care Settings
When mask requirements are lifted for other indoor settings, you will still need to wear a mask in health care settings, following OAR 333-019-1011.
Masking is still required at all our health care facilities regardless of vaccination status or direct vs indirect patient contact. You must wear a mask. Why?
- It is an OHA policy for health care facilities (OAR 333-019-1011) and is enforced by Oregon OSHA.
- Breakthrough cases have and will continue to occur.
- Omicron variant spreads more easily than the Delta variant.
- We see many unvaccinated and/or immunocompromised patients.
Here is a link to OHA’s Frequently Asked Questions.
Thank you for your cooperation!
– Praxis Health Team
Cascade Gastroenterology and Praxis Health are closely following the most up-to-date announcements and information on the known cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The information is continually changing, and we are monitoring all updates from Oregon Health Authority, Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.
If you are a patient of Cascade Gastroenterology, and have questions or concerns, please contact us at (541) 706-5777.
Trusted and Credible Resources for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates:
Oregon Health Authority
Centers for Disease Control
World Health Organization